Work Packages
The methodological tools are developed during the entire development of the H2 CoopStorage project. Indeed, the methodological tools rely on research carried out at an academic level: regulatory study, risk study, environmental study, stakeholder study and economic study. However, the results of this academic research should guide the development of software tools. Although the end of this milestone is scheduled for 2022, as soon as preliminary results are published, they will be integrated into the other work packages.
This milestone aims to analyze the pre results of the studies in progress for the methodological tools to define the specifications of the perimeter of the multi-energy Energy Community.
The tool will serve for optimizing (in design stage) self-consumption in multi-usage district inc. hydrogen systems.
This tool aims to develop a software tool allowing to manage the means of production (multiple sources such as solar, wind, geothermal, hydraulic), storage (hydrogen, electric, heat), flexible loads of the REC dynamically.
This WP only aims to provide the installation time of the device to test the tools on a demonstrator.
The project started in September 2020, six months ago. Currently, the project is on track regarding the milestones that have been set.
Nevertheless, the first general assembly or the kick-off meeting should have taken place in one of the three living labs so that the members of the project could have a physical meeting and that all members had a better representation of the project. Given the Covid context, we were not able to organize a physical meeting and all meetings were held remotely.
In addition, as part of the development of tools, certain steps could be delayed in 2021 due to the Covid context. For example, for the stakeholder study, semi-structured interviews should be carried out with those affected by the implementation of a hydrogen project. However, it is necessary to bring the members of the energy community together to define the goals. Although these steps can be done remotely, it is not ideal and could cause a slight delay or loss of quality.
However, the project has not fallen behind schedule so far and we remain attentive to these aspects to anticipate as well as possible any deviation from the expected progress.
Review in relation to future work
Risk and Regulatory Study – The first publication on Risk and Regulatory Studies is scheduled for the Manufacturing Engineering Society (MESIC) International Conference 9 if the paper is accepted. Regulatory pre-analyzes were carried out according to standards (ASME, Cen-Cenelec, API, etc.). In the meantime, CLEF and Zuidtrant (local members) have met their competent administrations to check the authorization procedures. Research results provide input and legitimize the action of local members, and vice versa. These barriers must be removed for installation of the fuel cell;
Environmental study – The perimeters of living labs must be defined in 2021 in order to carry out LCAs and assess the environmental cost of hydrogen production. The difficulty lies in the allocation convention of CO2 for the production of hydrogen when it is connected to the electricity grid. Several discussions focused on this theme and the consortium is moving towards the creation of two LCAs for each living laboratory:
- A LCA where it is virtually considered that the production of hydrogen uses 100% of the renewable energy produced locally (as if there was a mechanism of guaranteed labels of origin to guarantee that the electricity comes from RES) ;
- LCA based on a more physical approach where we consider that part of the electricity comes from the electricity grid and where we consider the CO2 cost of the national electricity grid.
Stakeholder study – The stakeholder study will be launched and will give a better idea of the fears and expectations of the various stakeholders on the implementation of a hydrogen solution in their territory. It will also allow to uncover important underlying factors that influence the stakeholders in their decision-making. This will allow local members (CLEF and Zuidtrant) to have a better idea of the sociological aspects during the operational development of the project.
Development of the sizing tool – The sizing tool will be developed in 2021. However, some results of the methodological tools may not yet be available. The software architecture nevertheless provides for contributions based on the results of other studies. For example, even if the environmental cost of a hydrogen storage solution in 2021 is not yet known, the sizing tool will provide an entry where it will be possible to include the expected environmental cost.
The EMS will begin to be developed in Q4/2021.
List of potential services for DSO/TSO expected for the end of the project Q4/2022.
The EMS will begin to be developed in Q4/2021.
The sizing tool began to be developed in Q1 / 2021 and will be completed in Q3 / 2021
LCAs are carried out from Q4 / 2020 and will end in Q4 / 2022 to fully understand the CO2 cost of the fuel cell.
The implementation of the fuel cell in Mortsel is expected for Q4/2021. The development of the EMS considering sector coupling (hydrogen, heat and electricity) will begin in Q4/2021.
As part of WP2 started in Q1 / 2021 and WP1 in Q4 / 2021 and which will end in Q4 / 2022.
As part of WP2 started in Q1 / 2021 for identifying the financial opportunities with the members of the energy community and WP1 for an economical analysis in Q4 / 2021 and which will end in Q4 / 2022.
The economic study is carried out within WP1 from Q4 / 2020 and ending in Q4 / 2022 and the EMS will start to be developed in Q4 / 2021.
The first results start in Q1 / 2021 with the launch of WP2 and further results can be extracted from the stakeholder analysis under WP1.
Stakeholder analysis under WP1 starting in Q4 / 2020 and ending in Q4 / 2022, and bottom-up process started in Q1 / 2021 under WP2.
Bottom-up process launched in Q1 / 2021 under WP2 and development of the EMS from Q4 / 2021.
Business Model strategies
The project started six months ago. For the moment, the perimeter of the Energy Community has been fixed for the three living labs and a first architecture of the sizing tool has been defined, including the economic aspects. No results are currently available.
Contribution to the Knowledge Community
Members of the External Expert Advisory Board (EEAB) – The members of the EEAB shall assist and facilitate the decisions made by the general assembly and shall be allowed to participate in General Assembly meetings but no voting rights
- Eiya Consult [Dieter Jong] – EM engineer KU Leuven, Scholt Energy Control Belgie, Belpex, expert at Anode (BRP/ARP)
- Paul Scherrer Institute [Christian Bauer] – Management of LCA projects in multi-disciplinary activities
- Universita di Bologna [Ernesto Salzano] – Research on risk assessment models
- NTNU [Bruno Pollet] – Departement of energy and process engineering, team H2
- Bluesky Energy [Bart Bossyns] – Project developper of the Greenrock for the Benelux
- KU Leuven [Jan Rongé] – Team H2 of KU Leuven
- Cluster Tweed [Cedric Brüll] – Cluster of renewable energy in Wallonia
- CWaPE [Frédéric Jacquemin] – Regulator in Wallonia
- Waterstofnet [Isabel François] – Network fostering H2 deployment
Citizen cooperatives stakeholders
- – European federation of citizen cooperatives
- Rescoop Wallonia – Walloon federation of citizen cooperatives
- Coopeos – Cooperative developing heat network